Unterlagen zu den Auswirkungen von Windenergieanlagen auf
Fledermäuse Update 11. März 2018 --> 153 Zitate
Bats and wind energy: References of scientific publications
and reports: 150 citations Interesting databank with literature
references about wind energy: https://tethys.pnnl.gov/knowledge-base-wind-energy
Tool carcass package (KORNER-NIEVERGELT et al. 2012)
Bat interacting
with wind turbines (video
clips) Collision of vulture with windturbine (short
¦ long
video) 2018 BVF. 2018a. Position zum
Artenschutz im Rahmen des Windkraftausbaus. Report, 5 S. (pdf,
2018b. Methodenstandards Akustik, Stand März 2018. Report, 34 S. (pdf,
2017 Meschede A, Schorcht W, Karst I, Biedermann M, Fuchs D & Bontadina
F. 2017. Wanderrouten der Fledermäuse. – BfN-Skripten 453, 236 S. (pdf)
Hurst J, Brinkmann R, Biedermann M, Dietz C, Dietz M, Karst I, Krannich E,
Petermann R, Schorcht W. 2017. Fledermäuse und Windkraft im Wald. Landwirschaftsverlag.
ISBN-13: 9783784340531
Roemer C, Disca T, Coulon A, Bas Y (2017). Bat
flight height monitored from wind masts predicts mortality risk at wind farms.
Biological Conservation 215: 116-122
Rydell J, Ottvall R, Pettersson S
and Green M (2017). The effects of wind power on birds and bats. Naturvardsverket.
Report 6791. 2016 Bernotat D, Dierschke V. 2016. Übergeordnete
Kriterien zur Bewertung der Mortalität wildlebender Tiere im Rahmen von Projekten
und Eingriffen. 3. Fassung. Stand 20.09.2016. 460 Seiten. Groupe Chiroptères
de la SFEPM. 2016. Diagnostic chiroptérologique des projets éoliens
terrestres Actualisation 2016 des recommandations SFEPM, Version 2.1 (février
2016). Société Française pour l'Étude et la Protection
des Mammifères, Paris, 33 pages + annexes. Korner-Nievergelt F, Brossard
C, Filliger R, Gremaud J, Lugon A, Mermoud O, Schaub M, Wechsler S. 2016. Effets
cumulés des éoliennes du Jura vaudois et des régions limitrophes
sur l'avifaune et les chiroptères: risque de collisions et de perte d'habitat
pour quelques espèces d'oiseaux et de chiroptères. Rapport à
l'intention de canton Vaud. 182 pp. Lintott P R, Richardson S M, Hosken
D J, Fensome S A, Mathews F. 2016. Ecological impact assessments fail to reduce
risk of bat casualties at wind farms. Current Biology 26, R1119-R1136, Mathews
F, Richardson S, Lintott P, Hosken D. 2016. Understanding the Risk to European
Protected Species (bats) at Onshore Wind Turbine Sites to inform Risk Management.
FINAL REPORT. University of Exeter. 127 pp. Rydell J, Bogdanowicz w, Boonman
A, Pettersson S, Suchecka E, Pomorski J J. 2016. Bats may eat diurnal flies
that rest on wind turbines. Mammalian Biology 81(3):331-339. 2015 Korner-Nievergelt
F, Behr O, Brinkmann R, Etterson M A, Huso M M P, Dalthorp D, Korner-Nievergelt
P, Roht T, Niermann I. 2015. Mortality estimation from carcass searches using
the R-package carcass - a tutorial. Wildlife Biology 21: 30-43, Rodrigues
L, Bach, L, Dubourg-Savage M J, Karapanda B, Kova? D, Kervy T, Dekker A,
Kepel A, Bach P, Collins J, Harbusch C, Park K, Micevski B, Minderman J. 2015.
Lignes directrices pour la prise en compte des chauves-souris dans les projets
éoliens. EUROBATS Publication Series N° 6 (version française).
Actualisation 2015. UNEP/EUROBATS Secrétariat, Bonn, Allemagne, 133 p. Voigt
C C, Lehnert L S, Petersons G, Adorf F, Bach L. 2015. Wildlife and renewable
energy: German politics cross migratory bats. Eur J Wildl Res. DOI 10.1007/s10344-015-0903-y. 2014 2013
Arnett E B, Barclay R MR, Hein C D. 2013. Thresholds for bats killed by wind
turbines. The Ecological Society of America. Frontiers in Ecology, Guest Editorial.
p. 171 Arnett E B, Hein C S, Schirmacher M R, Huso M M P, Szewczak J M.
2013. Evaluating the Effectiveness of an Ultrasonic Acoustic Deterrent for
Reducing Bat Fatalities at Wind Turbines. PLoS ONE 8(6): e65794. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065794 Bastos
R, Santos M, Cabra J A. 2013. A new stochastic dynamic tool to improve the
accuracy of mortality estimates for bats killed at wind farms. Ecological
Indicators 34 (2013) 428- 440 Bernardino J, Bispo R, Cost H, Mascarenhas
M. 2013. Estimating bird and bat fatality at wind farms: a practical overview
of estimators, their assumptions and limitations. New Zealand Journal of Zoology,
40:1, 63-74, DOI: 10.1080/03014223.2012.758155. Hein C D, Gruver J, Arnett
E B. 2013. Relating pre-construction bat activity and post-construction bat
fatality to predict risk at wind energy facilities: a synthesis. A report
submitted to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Bat Conservation International,
Austin, TX, USA. Hein C D, Prichard A, Mabee T, Schirmacher M R. Effectiveness
of an Operational Mitigation Experiment to Reduce Bat Fatalities at the Pinnacle
Wind Farm, Mineral County, West Virginia, 2012. An annual report submitted
to Edison Mission Energy and the Bats and Wind Energy Cooperative. Bat Conservation
International. Austin, Texas, USA. 2012 Amorim F, Rebelo
H, Rodrigues L. 2012. Factors influencing bat activity and mortality at a wind
farm in the Mediterranean region. Acta Chiropterologica, 14(2): 439-457 NABU
Expertenworkshop. 2012. Ergebnisse des Expertenworkshops "Windkraft und
Fledermäuse". Auf Einladung der BAG Fledermausschutz im NABU (BAG
Fledermausschutz). p. 6 2011 Korner-Nievergelt F, Korner-Nievergelt
P, Behr O, Niermann I, Brinkmann R, Hellriegel B. 2011. A new method to determine
bird and bat fatality at wind energy turbines from carcass searches. Wildlife
Biology, 17(4):350-363. Update from 20 January 2011 --> 132 Zitate: Albrecht
K & Grünfelder C. 2010. Fledermäuse für die Standortplanung von Windenergieanlagen
erfassen. Natur und Landschaftsplanung 43, no. 1: 005-014. Long,
C. V., J. A. Flint, and P. A. Lepper. 2010. Insect attraction to wind turbines:
does colour play a role? European Journal of Wildlife Research (September).
doi:10.1007/s10344-010-0432-7. Long, Chloe V, James A Flint,
and Paul A Lepper. 2010. Wind turbines and bat mortality: Doppler shift profiles
and ultrasonic bat-like pulse reflection from moving turbine blades. The Journal
of the Acoustical Society of America 128, no. 4 (October): 2238-45. doi:10.1121/1.3479540. Masden,
Elizabeth A., Anthony D. Fox, Robert W. Furness, Rhys Bullman, and Daniel T. Haydon.
2010. Cumulative impact assessments and bird/wind farm interactions: Developing
a conceptual framework. Environmental Impact Assessment. Review 30, no. 1
(January): 1-7. doi:10.1016/j.eiar.2009.05.002. Piorkowski,
Martin D., and Timothy J. O'Connell. 2010. Spatial Pattern of Summer Bat Mortality
from Collisions with Wind Turbines in Mixed-grass Prairie. The American Midland
Naturalist 164, no. 2 (October): 260-269. doi:10.1674/0003-0031-164.2.260.
Rydell, J., L. Bach, Jo Dubourg-savage, M. Green, L. Rodrigues, and A. Hedenström.
2010. Bat mortality at wind turbines in northwestern Europe. Acta Chiropterologica
12, no. 2: 261–274. doi:10.3161/150811010X537846. Rydell,
Jens, Lothar Bach, Marie-Jo Dubourg-Savage, Martin Green, Luísa Rodrigues, and
Anders Hedenström. 2010. Mortality of bats at wind turbines links to nocturnal
insect migration? European Journal of Wildlife Research (October): 823-827.
Update from 15 March 2010: Collins,
J., Jones, G. 2009. Differences in Bat Activity in Relation to Bat Detector
Height: Implications for Bat Surveys at Proposed Windfarm Sites. Acta Chiropterologica,
11(2), 343-350. [Collins_ActChi2009.pdf] Update from 1
January 2010: Popa-Lisseanu, A.G., Voigt C. C. 2009. Bats on the
move. Journal of Mammalogy 90(6):1283-1289 [Popa-[Lisseanu_JMam2009.pdf] McGuire,
L. P, Guglielmo, C. G. 2009. What can birds tell us about the migration physiology
of bats? Journal of Mammalogy 90(6):1290-1297 [McGuire_JMam2009.pdf] Hedenström,
A. 2009. Optimal migration strategies in bats. Journal of Mammalogy 90(6):1298-1309
[Hedenstroem_JMam2009.pdf] Furmankiewicz, J., Kucharska, M.
2009. Migration of bats along a large river valley in southwestern Poland.
Journal of Mammalogy 90(6):1310-131317 [Furmankiewicz_JMam2009.pdf] Ahlén,
I., Baagøe H. J., Bach, L. 2009. Behavior of scandinavian bats during migration
and foraging at sea. Jouournal of Mammalogy 90(6):1318-1323 [Ahlén_JMam2009.pdf]
Holland, R. A., Wikelski, M. 2009. Studying the migratory
behavior of individual bats: current techniques and future directions. Journal
of Mammalogy 90(6):1324-1329 [Holland_JMam2009.pdf] Cryan,
P. M., Barclay, R. M. R. 2009. Causes of bat fatalities at wind turbines: hypotheses
and predictions. Journal of Mammalogy 90(6):1330-1340 [Cryan_JMam2009.pdf]
Baerwald, E. F., Barclay R. M. R. 2009. Geographic variation
in activity and fatality of migratory bats at wind energy facilities. Journal
of Mammalogy 90(6):1341-1349 [Baerwald_JMam2009.pdf] update
from 1 November 2009: Baerwald EF, Edworthy J, Holder M, Barclay RMR. 2009.
A large-scale mitigation experiment to reduce bat fatalities at wind energy
facilities. Journal of Wildlife Management 73(7):1077-1081. Nicholls
B, Racey PA. 2009. The Aversive Effect of Electromagnetic Radiation on Foraging
Bats—A Possible Means of Discouraging Bats from Approaching Wind Turbines.
PLoS ONE 4(7): e6246. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0006246
J. W., E. B. Arnett, and T. H. Kunz. 2008. Behavioral responses of bats to
operating wind turbines. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:123–132. Nicholls
B, Racey PA, 2007. Bats Avoid Radar Installations: Could Electromagnetic Fields
Deter Bats from Colliding with Wind Turbines? PLoS ONE 2(3): e297. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0000297
Barclay RMR, Baerwald EF & Gruver JC, 2007. Variation in bat and bird
fatalities at wind energy facilities: assessing the effects of rotor size and
tower height. Canadian Journal of Zoology DOI: 10.1139/Z07-011. Wind
Turbines and Bats: Guidelines for the planning process and impact assessments.
Eurobats Resolution 5.6, ( September 2006). pdf.
Guidelines for assessing and minimizing impacts to bats at wind energy
development sites in California. California Bat Working Group Guidelines,
(September 2006). pdf.
Brinkmann, R, 2006. Auswirkungen von Winkraftanlagen auf Fledermäuse
- Ergebnisse aus dem Regierungsbezirk Freiburg mit einer Handlungsempfehlung für
die Praxis. Regierungspräsidium Freiburg, pdf
Broschüre. Reynolds, DS, 2006. Monitoring the Potential Impact
of A Wind Development Site on Bats in the Northeast. Journal of Wildlife Management.
70(5), 1219–1227. Windkraftuntersuchungen von SWILD in Frankreich: hier.
Brinkmann, R, Schauer-Weisshahn, H & Bontadina, F, 2006. Untersuchungen
zu möglichen betriebsbedingten Auswirkungen von Windkraftanlagen auf Fledermäuse
im Regierungsbezirk Freiburg. Unpubl. Mehr
zum Forschungbericht im Auftrag des Regierungspräsidiums Freiburg, Freiburg,
66 Seiten. Bats and wind energy References
of scientific publications and reports: 98 citations
compiled at 16
December 2008 / Fabio Bontadina & Salome Bänninger
Ahlén, I. 2002.
Fladdermöss och fåglar dödade av vindkraftverk. Fauna och flora 97:3. 14-21 pp.
Ahlén, I., Bach, L., Baagøe, H.J., Pettersson,
J. 2007. Bats and offshore wind turbines studied in southern Scandinavia. Vindval
Report 5571. 37 pp. [Ahlén_report2007.pdf]
Arnett, E.B. 2005. Relationship
between bats and wind turbines in Pennsylvania and West Virginia: an assessment
of fatality search protocols, patterns of fatality, and behavioral interactions
with wind turbines. A final report submitted to the Bats and Wind Energy Cooperative.
Bat Conservation International. Austin, Texas. 187 pp. [Arnett_BCI2005.pdf]
Arnett, E. B., Hayes, J. P. & Huso, M. M. P. 2006. An evaluation of the use of
acoustic monitoring to predict bat fatality at a proposed wind facility in southcentral
Pennsylvania. An annual report submitted to the Bats and Wind Energy Cooperative.
Bat Conservation International. 46 pp. [Arnett_BCI2006.pdf]
Arnett, E.
B., Huso, M. M. P., Reynolds, D. S. & Schirmacher, M. 2007. Patterns of pre-construction
bat activity at a proposed wind facility in northwest Massachusetts. An annual
report submitted to the Bats and Wind Energy Cooperative. Bat Conservation International.
36 pp. [Arnett_BCI2007.pdf]
Arnett, E.B., Brown, W.K., Erickson, W.P.,
Fiedler, J.K., Hamilton, B.L., Henry, T.H., Jain, A., Johnson, G.D., Kerns, J.,
Koford, R.R., Nicholson, C.P., O'Connell, T.J., Piorkowski, M.D. & Tankersley,
R.D. 2008. Patterns of Bat Fatalities at Wind Energy Facilities in North America.
The Journal of Wildlife Management 72(1). 61-78 pp. [Arnett_JWilMan2008.pdf]
Koford, R. 2005. Avian mortality associated with the top of Iowa wind farm. Progress
Report. 12 pp. [Koford_Report2005.pdf]
Bach, L., Brinkmann R., Limpens
H., Rahmel U., Reichnbach M. & Roschen A. 1999. Bewertung und planerische Umsetzung
von Fledermausdaten im Rahmen der Windkraftplanung. Bremer Beiträge für Naturkunde
und Naturschutz. Band 4. 163 - 170 pp. [Bach_BreBeiNatNat1999.pdf]
L. 2001. Fledermäuse und Windenergienutzung - reale Probleme oder Einbildung?
Vogelkdl. Ber. Niedersachs. 33. 119-124. [Bach_VogBerNie2001.pdf]
L. 2001. Auswirkungen von Windernergieanlagen auf das Verhalten und die Raumnutzung
von Fledermäusen am Beispiel des Windparks "Hohe Geest", Midlum. Endbericht. 46
pp. [Bach_Report2002.pdf]
BACH, L. 2003. Effekte von Windenergieanlagen
auf Fledermäuse. Sächsische Landesstiftung Natur und Umwelt - Tagungsband auf
CD. [Bach_2003.pdf]
Bach, L. & Rahmel, U. 2004. Überblick zu Auswirkungen
von Windkraftanlagen auf Fledermäuse - eine Konfliktabschätzung. SUMMARY OF WIND
und Naturschutz. Volume 7. 245-252. [Bach_BreBeiNatNat2004.pdf, Bach_BreBeiNatNat2004_e.pdf]
Baerwald, E.F., D'Amours, G.H., Klug, B.J. & Barclay, R.M.R. 2008. Barotrauma
is a significant cause of bat fatalities at wind turbines. Current Biology Vol
18 No 16. 10 pp. [Baerwald_CurBio2008.pdf]
Barclay RMR, Baerwald EF &
Gruver JC, 2007. Variation in bat and bird fatalities at wind energy facilities:
assessing the effects of rotor size and tower height. Canadian Journal of Zoology
DOI: 10.1139/Z07-011. [Barclay_CanJZoo2007.pdf]
Bonelles, A. & Puechmaille,
S. 2005. Etude des émissions d'uttrasons par les chauves-souris en altitude. Evaluations
dans le cadre d'un projet d'implantation d'écliennes. 19 pp. [Bonelles_Report2005.pdf]
Brinkmann, R. & Schauer-Weisshahn, H. 2002. Welche Auswirkungen haben
Windenergieanlagen auf Fledermäuse? Der Flattermann. 14(2). 31-32 pp. [Brinkmann_Fla2002.pdf]
Brinkmann, R. 2003. Welchen Einfluss haben Windkraftanlagen auf jagende
und wandernde Fledermäuse in Baden-Würtemberg? Tagungsführer der Akademie für
Natur- und Umweltschutz Baden-Würtemberg. Heft 17. [Brinkmann_TagAkaNatUmwBad2003.pdf]
Brinkmann, R., Mayer, K., Kretzschmar, F. & von Witzleben, J. 2006. Auswirkungen
von Windkraftanlagen auf Fledermäuse. Ergebnisse aus dem Regierungsbezirk Freiburg
mit einer Handlungsempfehlung für die Praxis. Regierungspräsidium Freiburg. Broschüre.
20 pp. http://www.rp.baden-wuerttemberg.de/servlet/PB/show/1196025/rpf-ref56-windkraft.pdf
Brinkmann, R. 2006. Auswirkungen von Windkraftanlagen
auf Fledermäuse. Naturschutz-Info 2/2006 & 3/2006. Fachdienst Naturschutz. LUBW
Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz Baden-Württemberg. 116 pp.
Brinkmann, R., Schauer-Weisshahn, H. & Bontadina,
F. 2006. Untersuchungen zu möglichen betriebsbedingten Auswirkungen von Windkraftanlagen
auf Fledermäuse im Regierungsbezirk Freiburg. - Survey of possible operational
impacts on bats by wind facilities in Southern Germany. Administrative District
of Freiburg. Bericht für das Regierungspräsidium Freiburg. 66 pp. http://www.rp.baden-wuerttemberg.de/servlet/PB/show/1158478/rpf-windkraft-fledermaeuse.pdf
Brinkmann, R. Schauer-Weisshahn, H. & Bontadina,
F. 2006.- Department 56 Conservation and Landscape Management. 63 pp. [Brinkmann_Report2006_e.pdf]
Crawford, R.L. & Baker, W.W. 1981. Bats killed at a north Florida television
tower: A 25-year record. Journal of Mammalogy 62 (3). 651-652 pp. [Crawford_JMam1981.pdf]
Cryan, P.M. 2008. Mating Behavior as a Possible Cause of Bat Fatalities
at Wind Turbines. The Journal of Wildlife Management 72(3). 845-849 pp. [Cyran_JWilMan2008.pdf]
Devos, S., Raevel, P., Govaere, A., Vaillant, J.C. & Devos, R. 2005.
Nouvelles techniques d'investigation par radar des peuplements de chiroptères.
Colloque Setra. Routes et Faune Sauvage. 5 pp. [Devos_SETRA2005.pdf]
Dürr, T. 2002. Fledermäuse als Opfer von Windkraftanlagen in Deutschland. Nyctalus,
8(2). 115-118 pp. [Dürr_Nyc2002.pdf]
Dürr, T. & Bach, L. 2004. Fledermäuse
als Schlagopfer von Windenergieanlagen - Stand der Erfahrungen mit Einblick in
Beiträge für Naturkunde und Naturschutz. Volume 7. 253-264 pp. [Dürr_BreBeiNatNat2004.pdf,
American society of mammologists. 2008.
Effects of Wind-Energy Facilities on Bats and Other Wildlife. UNANIMOUS RESOLUTION.
4 pp. [AMS_Resolution2008.pdf]
Endel, P. 2004. Untersuchungen zum Verhalten
von Fledermäusen und Vögeln an ausgewählten Windkraftanlagen Landkreis Bautzen,
Kamenz, Löbau-Zittau, Niederschlesischer Oberlausitzkreis, Stadt Görlitz Freistaat
Sachsen. Auftraggeber: Staatliches Umweltfachamt Bautzen. 135 [Endel_Report2004.pdf]
Erickson, W.,Johnson, G., Young, D., Strickland, D.,Good, R., Bourassa
M., Bay, K. & Karyn S. 2002. Synthesis and Comparison of Baseline Avian an Bat
Use, Raptor Nesting and Mortality Information from Proposed and Existing Wind
Developments. Avian and bat baseline data and mortality synthesis. West, Inc.
124 pp. [Erickson_AviBatBasDatMortSyn2002.pdf]
Erickson, W., Kronner,
K. & Gritski B. 2003. Nine Canyon Wind Power Project. Avian and bat monitoring
report. West, Inc. 32 pp. [Erickson_AviBatMonRep2003.pdf]
Rodrigues, L., Bach, L., Biraschi, L., Dubourg-Savage, M.J., Goodwin, J., Harbusch,
C., Hutson, T., Ivanova, T., Lutsar, L. & Parsons, K. 2006. Wind Turbines and
Bats: guidelines for the planning process and impact assessments. 21 pp. [Eurobats_Guidelines2006.pdf]
EUROBATS. 2005. Report of the Intersessional Working Group on Wind Turbines
and Bat Population. In: Eurobats. 10th Meeting of the Advisory Committee, Bratislava,
Slovak Republic, 25-27 April 2005. 21 pp. [Eurobats_Report2005.pdf]
pp. [Gruver_Thesis2002.pdf]
Hötker, H., Thomsen, K.M. & Köster, H. 2004.
Auswirkung regenerativer Energiegewinnung auf die biologische Vielfalt am Beispiel
der Vögel und der Fledermäuse. Endbericht. NABU. 80 pp. [Hötker_Report2004]
Johnson, G.D., Erickson, W.P., Strickland, M.D., Shepherd, M.F., & Shepherd, D.A.
2000. Avian Monitoring Studies at the Buffalo Ridge, Minnnesota Wind Resource
Area: Results of a 4-year study, final report. West, Inc. 262 pp. [Johnson_WesIncFinRep2000.pdf]
Johnson, G.D. & Strickland, M.D. 2003. Biological assessment for the
federally endangered Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis) and Virginia Big-eared Bat (Corynorhinus
townsendii virginiaus). NedPower Mount Storm Wind Project, Grant County, West
Virginia. West, Inc. 47 pp. [Johnson_NedPowMouStoBat2003.pdf]
G.D., W.P. Erickson, M.D. Strickland, M.F. Shepherd, D.A. Shepherd, and S.A. Sarappo.
2003. Mortality of bats at a large-scale wind power development at Buffalo Ridge,
Minnesota. American Midland Naturalist 150:332-342. [Johnson_AmeMidNat2003a.pdf]
Johnson, G., Erickson W., White, J. & McKinney, R. 2003. Avian and Bat
Mortality during the First Year of Operation at the Kondike Phase I Wind Project,
Sherman County, Oregon, Draft. West, Inc. 17 pp. [Johnson_KloMonRep2003.pdf]
Johnson, G.D. & Strickland, M.D. 2004. An Assessment of potential Collision Mortality
of Migrating Iniana Bats (Myotis sodalis) and Virginia Big-eared Bats (Corynorhinus
townsendii virginianus). NedPower Mount Storm Wind Project, Grant County, West
Virginia. West, Inc. 23 pp. [Johnson_NedPowMouStoBat2004.pdf] Kunz et
al. 2007: Ecological impacts of wind energy development on bats: questions, research
needs, and hypotheses. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 5(6): 315-324.
Kunz et al. 2007: Assessing Impacts of Wind-Energy
Development on Nocturnally Active Birds and Bats: A Guidance Document. Journal
of Wildlife Management, 71(8):2449-2486. [Kunz_JWilMan2007.pdf]
J. 2004. Abschlussbericht zum Werkvertrag "Erfassung von Fledermaus- und Vogeltotfunden
unter Windenergieanlagen an ausgewählten Standorten in Thüringen". Koordinationsstelle
für Fledermausschutz in Thüringen FMKOO. 30 pp. [Kusenbach_Report2004.pdf]
Lausen, C., Baerwald, E., Gruver, J. & Barclay R. 2006. Bats and Wind Turbines.
Pre-siting and pre-construction survey protocols. Appendix 5. 7 pp. [Alberta_Guidelines2006.pdf]
Leuzinger, Y., 2007. Paysage et éoliennes, Analyse de l'intégration paysagère
des Eoliennes sur le site de Mont-Crosin (BE). Rapport de Natura, biologie appliquée
pour Juvent SA. 38 p. [ ]
Leuzinger, Y., Lugon, A. & Bontadina, F. 2008.
Éolienne en Suisse - Mortalité de chauves-souris. Rapport inédit sur mandat de
l'OFEV et l'OFEN, 37 pp. [Leuzinger_Report2008.pdf]
McCracken, G.F. 1996.
Bats Aloft: A Study of High-Altitude Feeding. Bats Vol. 14 (3). 6-10 pp. [McCracken_Bats1996.pdf]
Menzel, J.M., Menzel, M.A., Kilgo, J.C., Ford, W.M., Edwards, J.W. &
McCracken, G.F. 2005. Effect of habitat and foraging height on bat cativity in
the costal plain of South Carolina. Journal of Wildlife Management 69 (1). 235-245
pp. [Menzel_JWilMan2005.pdf]
Nicholls B, Racey PA, 2007. Bats Avoid Radar
Installations: Could Electromagnetic Fields Deter Bats from Colliding with Wind
Turbines? PLoS ONE 2(3): e297. http://www.plosone.org/article/fetchArticle.action?articleURI=info:doi/10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0000297
BAT STUDIES at COMMERCIAL WIND ENERGY PROJECTS. New York State Department of Environmental
Conservation, Division of Environmental Permits and Division of Fish, Wildlife
and Marine Resources. 23 pp. [NYC_Guidelines2008.pdf]
O'Shea, T.J. &
Bogan, M.A. 2003. Monitoring trends in bat population of the United States and
territories : problems and prospects. U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources
Discipline, Information and Technology Report. 274 pp. [O'Shea_Report2003.pdf]
Osborn, R.G., Higgins, K.F., Dieter C.D & Usgaard, R.E. 1996. Bat Collisions
with Wind Turbines in Soutzwestern Minnnesota. Bat Research News 37 (4). [Osborn_BatResNew1996.pdf]
Rahmel, U., Bach, L., Brinkmann, R., Limpens, H. & Roschen, A. 2004.
Windenergieanlagen und Fledermäuse - Hinweise zur Erfassungsmethodik und zu planerischen
Aspekten. Bremer Beiträge für Naturkunde und Naturschutz. Volume 7. 265-271 pp.
Reynolds, DS, 2006. Monitoring the Potential
Impact of A Wind Development Site on Bats in the Northeast. Journal of Wildlife
Management. 70(5), 1219-1227. [Reynolds_JWilMan2006.pdf]
Sattler, T.
& Bontadina, F. (2005): Grundlagen zur ökologischen Bewertung von zwei Windkraftgebieten
in Frankreich aufgrund der Diversität und Aktivität von Fledermäusen. Unveröffentlichter
Kurzbericht. SWILD, Zürich im Auftrag von Megawatt Eole, Stuttgart, 23 Seiten.
Sattler, T. & Bontadina, F. (2006): L'évaluation
écologique de deux secteurs d'installations éoliens en France sur la base de la
diversité et l'activité des chauves-souris. SWILD, Zürich mandat de Megawatt Eole,
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Schmidt, E., Piaggio, A.J.,
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 Wärmebild-Überwachung
in Sachsen. |